Primary School Students
Professional Development
For Secondary Schools
Outside School
Welcome Back for the 2025 School Year!
We hope everyone has had a very enjoyable summer break.
Bookings are available for all of 2025.
If you would like to get in early with planning the coming year, we can help you.
We offer a wide range of enjoyable activities, relevant to many outcomes in the K-6 Science and Technology Syllabus.
We also offer enjoyable, practically oriented professional development activities for primary teachers, with immediate application to science teaching in primary classes.
Please contact Scienza Viva at any time to discuss your requirements, or call 0408 460 948.
Scienza Viva has provided science education services to schools since 2001. Scienza Viva provides a diversity of services, including: Syllabus based hands on science activities for K-12 school students.
Interactive Science Shows for K-6 students.
Find out more here
Professional Development courses for Primary School Teachers. We offer a practical, NESA-recognised short course in preparation of simple hands-on resources for science teaching and learning.
Find out more here
Why Call Scienza Viva?
Scienza Viva scientific activities for primary and high schools are hands on and are directly related to the school syllabus. We actively review our activities to better support the NSW Syllabus.
We review our range of activities constantly.
Many were developed at the request of teachers, to enrich teaching of the new syllabus.
All hands on science incursions, workshops and shows are run by experienced research scientist-presenters.
Since 2001, we have visited around 1000 schools.
All materials, instruments and teacher notes are provided.
Our prices remain very competitive, with the added advantage that we will run single sessions for smaller schools.
We will also work with regional schools to organise visits so that we are able to absorb the costs of transport and accommodation - most often we do this by visiting several schools in the area.
Scienza Viva also offers enjoyable professional development activities for primary teachers, with immediate application to science teaching in primary classes.
We will develop new activities to your requirements.